Throughout my youth, I was exposed to many events that shaped me to become the man I am today. Though some of these events were far from pleasant, something good always came out of them in the long run. I might have not realized what they taught me at that very moment in time, but when I look back on my life I realize that it made an impact on me somewhere down the road. Sometimes I ask myself whether or not I would always use these lessons to my advantage; maybe I would ignore that it happened, or do the one thing I wasn't supposed to do in the given situation. In Angela's Ashes you, the reader, were given the opportunity to read about the lessons I've gotten from a situation, and so I'm asking; have I ever taken those lessons for granted?
1/15/2014 11:43:05 pm

Morals and values are instilled in a child from a young age. Who you are as a person today is only a reflection of who your parents were yesterday. The only measure to realize who you are as a person is through the opinion of others. I believe that you, Frank McCourt learned your lessons at a young age, and fully embraced them.

1/21/2014 08:27:00 am

At the time you might have ignored the lessons that came with a given situation, but we have all done that in our youth. Obviously, you have grown massively since that period of you life and you have managed to bring something great out of it.


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    “Sing your song. Dance your dance. Tell your tale.” 
    ― Frank McCourtAngela's Ashes

    About Me

    My name is Frank McCourt. I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York and lived in Ireland throughout my childhood. I'm the author of the New York Bestseller Angela's Ashes.  

    Angela's Ashes

    January 2014

