Malachy McCourt was always looked down upon as an eejit from the North. Even though he drank and never supported us, I looked up to him in my early childhood. He was the one who told me stories and managed to cheer me up when I was in the worst moods. He was a good man, despite his mistakes my father managed to show me sides of him that sometimes made me forget about how he's a drunk failure. When my sister Margaret was born, we all saw a side of my father that we were never exposed to. Throughout my sister's short life, never did my father touch alcohol, he was devoted to being a good father and that took priority over the pubs. He brought home the wages and went back to making sure everyone was fed and happy. Even though I will never forgive him for what he did to our family, I won't ever forget the day my father turned into a good man; even if it was just for a little while. It made me realize that my father too, was human. Capable of feeling such compassion for a person that it changes him. Margaret was somehow his wake-up call, that made him realize that he needs to keep his life, and his family together at any cost. Which brings me to the question: Was my father truly a good man at heart?
1/12/2014 03:07:50 am

Even though you may have seen that compassion in him at one point, I do not believe that Malachy McCourt was ever a sincere an good hearted person. Speaking from a women's perspective, I could never forgive Malchy for what he did to Angela and how he treated his own family. There are some people on this earth who I believe who are inhumane and do not understand the value of something when they have it. If Malachy was to even show the slightest bit of respect towards Angela and her children, I may think otherwise, but as of right now, I do not agree that he had a good heart.

1/15/2014 02:59:03 am

I guess since he's your father it's a bit confusing for you. However, I believe that Malachy is a good man at heart but his bad side overcomes his good side. I think he left you in order to save you from going through even more emotional troubles. Also, he waited for you to grow up because he knew he could be of no service when it came to providing money for your family. So, he just left when he realized that you could help your mother finance the family. I think he chose to do these things because of Margaret's death; he just couldn't cope with everything going on.


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    “Sing your song. Dance your dance. Tell your tale.” 
    ― Frank McCourtAngela's Ashes

    About Me

    My name is Frank McCourt. I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York and lived in Ireland throughout my childhood. I'm the author of the New York Bestseller Angela's Ashes.  

    Angela's Ashes

    January 2014

